Chronologie des creations d'Associations:
This page gives an overview of Cat-organisations on the WWW (World wide web), in chronological order, meaning the year of foundation. The flag behind each organisation indicates the country in which it was founded.
On this page you'll find links and a very short description of the following cat organizations on the WWW: CFA, GCCF, FFI, FIFe, ACFA, CCA-AFC, TICA, WCF, AACE, CFA Brazil, FIAF, KKO, ZFDS, CFSA, Felikat. Look at the organisations' pages to learn more about their history, activities and rules.

In 1906 the Cat Fanciers' association(CFA) was founded. It is a non-profit organization. The first shows were held in 1906 (Buffalo and Detroit), the first annual meeting in 1907, the first stud book & register in the Cat journal magazine in 1909. Now 400 shows are held world wide, using the CFA breed standards.

In 1910 the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) was founded as an independent body , from several cat clubs, one of which being the National Cat Club. GCCF has now 128 affiliated cat clubs, registrates an average of 34000 pedigrees a year + around 120 catshows are held each year, using the GCCF breed standards.

In 1922 the DEKZ was founded in Nuremberg. It became Germany's largest Cat Federation, and is also a member of FIFe. Per year DEKZ organizes shows in 17 different cities, for one weekend the entries go up to 400, or more. Site in English and German.

In 1926 Austria's first Cat Organisation KKO was founded. There's a big experience over the years in breeding and caring for cats. Also KKO has one of the oldest breeding registries of Europe, including the time that Persian cats still were registered as 'Angora' cats. Member of FIFe. Site in English and German.

In 1934/35 the Federazione Felina Italiana (FFI) was founded by a group of real cat lovers in Torino, Firenze and Milan, forming the first breed cat club. After a break caused by the second world war, the name FFI was officially given to the organization in 1946.
In 1949 the Federation Internationale Feline (FIFe) was founded by Mrs M. Ravel. It now is a federation with 31 member nations world wide, following common rules for breed codes and standards, showing and judging. The three official languages of FIFe are French, German and English.
In 1955 the American Cat Fanciers' Association (AFCA) was founded by a group of cat fanciers, seeking greater flexibility in the organization and more eye for the needs of breeders. They established breed standards only to be changed by the apporval of the breed section concerned. ACFA influenced some changes like the acceptance of altered cats for show championship.
In 1960 the Canadian Cat Association was founded by members form the Canadian cat fancy. Before the CCA all registration were done in the USA or Europe and all cat shows in Canada were held under American cat association rules. The CCA is governed by its members and dedicated to the well being of all cats. The CCA magazine is called Chats Canada Cats.
In 1979 The International Cat Association was founded, member based and governed. TICA is dedicated to responsible breeding, showing and judging. TICA has a genetically based registry, so creating one of the largest breed genetic sources in the world. Cats are judged at TICA shows regardless of their status and previous titles.
In 1987 the ZFDS, Federation Feline of Slovenia, was founded. In ZFDS there are six member clubs from various parts of Slovenia. The association organizes three or four cat shows per year. This website is still growing, and already contains - ZFDS Cat Show Schedule, Catteries, ZFDS 1996 Best Cat Awards. Member of FIFe. The site is also in English!
In 1987 TCA was founded by a group of Siamese breeders and fanciers, who were dissatisfied with the extreme changes in the contemperary breed, and were concerned about health issues. The original name 'Traditional Siamese breeders' was changed into 'Traditional Cat Association' in 1992. TCA is still a small organization, supporting a cat registry and everything connected
In 1988 the World Cat Federation (WCF) was founded in Brazil, by three clubs seeking for more democratic and human procedures in the cat fancy. WCF now has more than 260 clubs throughout the world. The intention is to have the WCF registered in Brussels as a 'European Federation'.WCF has an international cattery registration, breed standards and shows.
In 1992 the American Association of Cat Enthusiasts (AACE) was founded as an independant association. The AACE has the cats and humans as their number one. AACE tries to make showing rewarding and fun
In 1992 the Cat Fanciers of Brazil club (CFA Brzail) was founded, in order to bring CFA style shows to Brazil. So far the CFA Brazil has held four succesful shows in Brazil, so attracting breeders and exhibitors in Brazil and outside. CFA now supports their cat fanciers and breeders in Brazil with shows, breed publications, information, registry, etc.
In 1993 the Italian Federation of Feline Associations (FIAF) was founded. FIAF studies and increases the knowledge of cat-genetics, morpholoy, behaviour, health, and organizes seminaries, conferences and shows. One of the goals of FIAF is to issue 4 and 5 generations pedigrees for pure breed cats, recognized by all feline federations.

In 1997, March, the Cat Federation of Southern Africa (CFSA) was founded. It's the Premier Cat Registry for South Africa, Lesotho, Zambia, Namibia, Swazilan, Botswana & Zimbabwe. Their official federation newspaper is called the 'National Cat Herald', and is published bi-monthly. This site also contains pictures of cats, and is still expanding it's pages.
© Texte et images elabores par Mr Jean Desnos.